Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Ways Kids Fussy Eaters

Every mother would worry if your child fussy eaters.There is now an easy way kids deal with fussy eaters.Way,kencur take for my toes,peel and clean.then grated,then grated,and strain.Drinks water it once a day.waste smeared on the child's stomach and back.done for three consecutive days,children will eat ravenously.

Tea Water Fill Gray Hair

nowadays many young people in part his hair had turned white.It can be triggered by stress or often mutually exchange replace shampoo.do not worry,there an easy way to overcome gray.brewed tea with a glass of water until thick arrows.tightly closed glass.the next day after the bath water pour tea on the palms.little by little polishing pad scalp until evenly distributed.do this every day up to 1 month.Your hair will be black again.

Always Fresh Plant

If you want to plant that you leave a few days remain fresh.Do according to the following way.Provide a full jug of water,then held out a piece of the axis of the vessel until the potted plants.Put pot on the table and the pot below.thus, the soil on the plant will always be wet so that is always fresh even in a few days without being watered.congratulations to prove.

Aloe Vera Skin Irritation Tackle

wear cosmetics if they do not fit can cause irritation skin.yours are experiencing similar.Don't worry, need aloe vera. overcome with aloe leaves, clean the face first. mucus taking aloe vera, wipe the face and let sit for 1 hours.Rinse with water until clean.Repeat this way for 3 consecutive days, skin irritation will be gone.

Overcome Aching Feet

after a day of activities, our feet are often stiff .For overcome this, do I following.Take basin, fill half warm water, give a handful of salt, put a few grains marbles.Take chair leg input into the basin as he twisted around , about 30 minutes.Foot do not feel anymore and you can get to sleep soundly

Clean White Board

because the wrong use of markers, white board filled with a lot of graffiti that sometimes can not clean .if happens, do not be clean do not be upset..White board, grab a thinner oil, pour on cloth, wipe the white board pad, rub with a cloth case clean.repeat that sometime.White board you will be clean again.

Remove Scar

The scar is very disturbing appearance. easy way to eliminate secondhand scar.Take 1 / 2 ounces of rice, soak 15 minutes, remove, mix with 1 / 2 ounce kencur, mashed smooth, and wipe the former scar.Take every day for 2 weeks.Former wound will disappear.